When we arrived at Primary Children’s hospital in the early morning hours of Dec 3, 2022 a Doctor at Primary Children’s hospital had a very frank and informative conversation with us. I am profoundly grateful for his bedside manner and how he treated and taught us. […]
For the first couple of days I still struggled to say or even text “Leukemia” or “Cancer” even though I had said it to the Doctor on our arrival. As it got easier to say out loud during the day it still remained excruciatingly unbearable for […]
We have been through such a steep learning curve with Lane’s Leukemia. Within one day we were coming off of all antibiotics and fever suppressing medicines like Tylenol and Ibuprofen to see if he was better from his recurrent and odd symptoms, to an Emergency room […]
The day after his surgeries to install his port, do a bone marrow aspiration, inject chemo into his spinal column and receive his first chemo through his port, he started to want food, but wasn’t sure what he wanted. We kept telling him we will get […]
The year 2022, a year I’ll never forget. We started out our year on our 3rd round of fertility treatments. We knew we were supposed to have another girl join our family, and this was the route it had to happen. I traveled to and from […]
It is funny what a three year old catches on to, and how quickly.
Some of the hardest things with the cancer treatment process have been looking at the shell of my son, and not seeing my son. Treatment can be rough, and don’t get me wrong he is AMAZING!! But sometimes it gets too much for him and understandably […]
We had always heard people say that they could feel someone praying for them, but we never knew just how tangible a prayer in your family’s behalf could be. During very dark conversations about Lane’s diagnosis we felt a peace, calm and strength that seemed comfortingly […]
This Winnie the Pooh thought was shared with us by Amy’s cousin who is battling Cancer herself. We read it the day we returned to the hospital when we only made it to Randolph before Lane became so sick we had to go immediately to Evanston […]
I haven’t posted on here in awhile, Ben is a lot better with his words! I feel like I should share an experience we had the first week we were in the hospital. Lane was to have his first surgery to put his port in and […]
Hello! My name is Mercedes, and I’m Lane’s older sister. I’m going to tell you about my perspective on Lane getting the diagnosis of having a cancer called Leukemia. It was strange and scarry when Lane was sick. He had been sick for about a month. […]
Lane’s cancer currently has under a 5% chance of coming back. He is in a great place in that respect. Currently his cancer is undetectable, and has been since the end of the first month. Meaning that, with current scientific methods a bone marrow aspiration or […]
In our last meeting with Lane’s oncologist. She told us we are on the downhill of his treatments. She told us he had one more chemo treatment through his port which we could do at Star Valley Health. Which is a little bitter sweet because they […]
If you think this is going to be a happy, jolly story-–you’re wrong.  On December second, my teacher suddenly said, “Abby, your grandma is at the office to check you out of school right now.’’ “Okay,” I said. So I grabbed my stuff and went out […]