April 6, 2023

Lane’s treatments went really well today. He fell asleep during his clinic appointment. He woke up really good from anesthesia. He wanted a rice-krispie treat, but didn’t want to sit up right after he woke up. His treatments are going exactly how they should and they are really pleased with how well he is doing. After our next chemo treatment at home, he will have a two week break. Then we will start the next phase which is called delayed intensification, which sounds like it is pretty intense with more trips down here to Utah and less chemo at home.

April 18, 2023

Lane had his last round of chemo for this Interim Maintenance phase. 8 weeks down…alot of weeks to go! He has done pretty well with treatments. He was so tired and fell asleep during treatments. He will start his next phase delayed intensification on May 4th if his numbers are good. During his two week break we are doing Abby’s baptism and Sarah’s baby blessing, so hopefully he will feel good enough to attend.

Mercedes is so thoughtful and loves to make cards. This was for our infusion nurse Angela at Star Valley Health.