If you think this is going to be a happy, jolly story-–you’re wrong.  On December second, […]
In our last meeting with Lane’s oncologist. She told us we are on the downhill of […]
Lane’s cancer currently has under a 5% chance of coming back. He is in a great […]
Hello! My name is Mercedes, and I’m Lane’s older sister. I’m going to tell you about […]
This Winnie the Pooh thought was shared with us by Amy’s cousin who is battling Cancer […]
We had always heard people say that they could feel someone praying for them, but we […]
Some of the hardest things with the cancer treatment process have been looking at the shell […]
It is funny what a three year old catches on to, and how quickly.
The day after his surgeries to install his port, do a bone marrow aspiration, inject chemo […]
We have been through such a steep learning curve with Lane’s Leukemia. Within one day we […]

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