We chose the name for this site because from the very start of this journey we have felt so much love and support from so many. It has felt that we have a whole Legion of Support for Lane… that and I love alliteration. (My first rendition was: Lane’s Legion of Love against Lymphoblastic Leukemia, so be grateful for editing)

Matthew 26:53 “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

Lane was diagnosed with Leukemia on December 2nd 2022. We have since refined his diagnosis: Standard Risk B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. The Doctor’s abbreviation is SR B-ALL.

What this means is that Lane will be treated with Chemotherapy for the next 2 years in order to hopefully erase his cancer for good.

  • Induction (first month): to induce remission.
    • Remission is defined as not being able to detect any cancer with a bone marrow aspiration.
  • Consolidation(6-9 Months): To kill all remaining cancer throughout the body and consolidate the remission.
  • Maintenance (the remaining 2 years): continued Chemotherapy to hopefully insure the cancer doesn’t return

Summary: we are in for at least a 2 year War with Leukemia. We have won the first battle. The Induction was successful!